- A b.tech Qn.
b.tech is always tough
- Raj:Meet my Wife Tina
Ajay: oh! I know her
A:We were caught sleeping 2gether
R:What d Hell?
A:10yrs ago,In d Engineering Class!
Enggineer rocks!
- Whats the similarity between a student studying B.TECH and Amir khan in ghajini...?
Simple, both cant remember anything after 15 minutes ! So its worth writing answers on your body.
- An engg Student In a campus interview:
How does an electric motor run?
Intrvwr shouts: STOP IT.!
dhurr dhup dup dup dup.!
- 4 stdnts Didnt prepar 4 a test.Dey made a plan.Dey wnt 2 d HOD nxt morg n said "sir v had gon 4 a wedding n our car tyre bursted.So v had 2 push all d way &couldn't study".
D HOD agrees n givs dem 3 days time 2 study.
Aftr 3 days al d 3 wer seated in diff rooms.
D questn papr consistd of just 1questn
1.Front right
2.Front left
3.Back right
4.Back left.
B careful HODs r dangerous.
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