- 10 THINGS A GAL PROBABLY Dusnt know:
1.Guys r much more emotional dan dey thnk.If dey loved dem truly.
2.Guys may b flirting bt b4 gng 2 sleep,dey alwz thnk abt d girl dey truly care abt.
3.Guys go crazy over a gal's smile.
4.A guy who lyks a gal wnts 2 b d only guy dey talk 2.
5.Girls r guys weakness.
6.If a guy tells u abt his probs,he juz needs sum1 2 listen 2 him.
7.Wen a guy ask a gal 2 leave him alone,hes juz sayin "plz cum n sit wid me"
8.No guy can handle al his prblm on his own,hes juz 2 stuborn 2 admit it.
9.Wen a guy sacrifies his sleep n health juz 2 b wid a gal,he rely lyks dat gal n wnts 2 b wid her 4evr.
10.A Guy luvs her more dan she luvs him.
Frwd 2 al boys 2 mak dem feel gud aNd 2 al gals 2mak dem undrstnd d true self of boys....
- PsYcHoLoGiCaL fAcT's:
1. There r atleast 3 persons in d world at any point in ur life who think their life is meaningless without u.
2. Every night , there r atleast 2 persons who think of u b4 going to sleep.
3. Ur name is pronounced a minimum of 10 times a day by people far away from u.
4. At any point in ur life time, u r hated by some one coz they cant be like u..
These are facts found by a research..'
So no one is alone n tis world is alone... :)
Trying hard to find the mobile wen it is in silent mode..
A random day dream & then realizing dat u were staring at someone by mistake..
Restarting d song wen u miss ur most favourite line..
Everything else becoming most interesting wen it is exam time..
Before starting any chapter counting d number of pages..
Enjoying d moment wen someone interupts d class for an important announcement..
Shouting 'sirrr...' wen its 10 mins before break..
Life is fun wen u take it as simply as it actually is..
Yah really, I do agree with that. The simplest makes you happier and calm. Things can go in easy way. :) Thanks for giving us insights it refresh-in us really :)
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